Medical concerns and all patient communication should happen securely through the patient portal. All email and texts are potentially susceptible to prying eyes (although I personally trust the blue bubbles). We are happy to reply to your personal communications but will need your consent to do so.
This will send an email to us without you having to open a browser or email client.
We have had a lot of requests to book aesthetic procedures with Krista here in Williamsport. Unfortunately, due to a previous agreement, she has to wait until the end of August to be involved Hush Medical Spa. On the bright side, that gave me (Mike Lazar, MD) the opportunity to work on my board certification in aesthetic medicine and serve as the medical director and owner of Hush.
Krista, of course, can provide aesthetic care at our other locations as an independent contractor and is working at Lazar Medical Group in the office right next door here at the Firestone Building in Williamsport doing concierge medicine, weight loss and medical procedures.